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Network Marketing Blogging: How to promote your MMM Business - fast!

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Network Marketing Blogging: 7 Steps for Promoting Your MLM with a Blog
When done properly, network marketing blogging is a deadly-effective way to bring in free MLM leads for your business.

No, the main reason that I blog is to *brand myself*.
When I first discovered it, I tried attraction marketing in many forms without a blog.
(I wanted a shortcut to be completely honest with you.)
But guess what, I failed miserably.

Now, my blog is the hub of my operations and you have no idea the difference it has made.
Having a blog is the supreme secret ingredient to attraction marketing, that positions you as an expert to your audience.

Your blog is the lynchpin your attraction marketing strategy and in my opinion, absolutely *key* to your success.

Don't forget that to 90%+ of the population a blog is something rarified that only “experts” can have.
It has a similar effect to having a book published. Only “experts” can have a book published, right?
But the one thing I want to get over to you in this post is that having a successful blog is easy!
And that you can (and should) do it.
As soon as humanly possible.
OK so now we’ve got that settled, onwards...

We would be looking at the following, as discuss MLM Blogging this PM:
*1. What’s In a Name?*
*2. How to Quickly Make a Blog?*
*3. What Should my Blog Look Like?*
*4. Don’t Let Your Audience Escape!*
*5. What to Write About?*
*6. How Should You Write?*
*7. I’ve Set Up My Blog, What Next?*
*Over to You...*
What do you think?

*1. What’s In a Name?*
You're building the brand of YOU, so if you’re called *Dasuki Bloggs* then try domain names (that’s just another name for website name) like these:
I’ve shown only .com domains here because these are pretty much the most prestigious domain suffix (and it is said that Google tends to favour .coms in searches).
​If the *.com* is not available, the only other option I’d consider is *.net.*

*2. How to Quickly Make a Blog?*
The most popular network marketing blogging platform by far is WordPress. It’s mature, stable and dead easy to use.

There is an option to use to host your blog. This is tempting because it’s free and slightly easier.

The thing is though, you won’t own your blog and the domain (web address) isn’t fully branded to you. Those in the know will always perceive subdomain (like blogs as slightly amateurish.

So I would suggest that self-hosted TLD like is definitely the way you want to go.
Achieving this is techie a bit and that puts lot of people off doing this but I bet you’ll be shocked that I can build your blog from start to finish within an hour and you'll have as a complete blog like for just N20,000, and since most of you already earn big from MLM like MMM, I know 20k won't be a big deal. Anyway, let's move on...

*3. What Should my Blog Look Like?*
Keep it congruent with your target audience (see step 6).
In general I'd say keep it fairly professional but I’ve seen some personally branded blogs in the MLM space that are terribly designed / downright cheesy but that are wildly successful
I think that works because they stand out amongst the noise. And because they have great content, of course.

Just choose a choose a style that fits your personality and do something - be it a color scheme, a logo or a caricature - that makes you stand out from the crowd and makes it distinctly *you*.
You should have a picture of you in the header or near the top of every page.

You can get a logo, site header or caricature done on * from $5.*
Oh and definitely don’t go for something that looks too corporate - you’re branding *you* remember, not a washing machine!

*A Theme That Wows*
A *theme* is like the *design template* of your blog, it determines its *look* and *feel.* There are plenty of free themes available out there but I do recommend a *premium and responsive theme* if your budget can stretch to it.

*Premium responsive themes* offer extra features that can make your life easier when creating and managing your blog, they tend to have better design and can even speed up your blog.
Regular readers of ** know that I am a *total geek* when it comes to tech stuff and *that’s why I will recommend you buy my custom themes/templates.* They’re fast, look good and have an awesome features!

Many of you don’t need technicalities though, so I've decided to offer my readers an easier option: I can create and design your blog for a one-off price of *N20,000 only*. Just message me if you're interested.

*4. Don’t Let Your Audience Escape!*
I talk about this in more detail at my full day 10am-5pm professional blogging training, but you're missing a trick if you have a blog and you’re not using it to capture leads for your business.

You need to have an opt-in form on each page, giving away something of value to your audience in return for their contact details.

(Don't have anything of value to give away? You can order my eBook > * How to earn up to N500,000 monthly as mobile money agent.* I sell the eBook for 10 - 50k, but you can get it for only N2,000 if you pay this weekend. Will also give you resell right, so you can dash your blog visitors or resell at your own price!

You can have your opt-in form in the sidebar, in the header, as a pop-up, in the footer or even in-line in your content.

All of these at once would be overkill but you’ll see that I use a combination of these methods in most of my sites...
*Are you still with me?*

*5. What to Write About?*
When thinking of network marketing blogging topics, *DO NOT* just write about anything.
To be useful, your content should be *actionable* and *relevant* to your audience.
Keep it on topic to the *MLM niche* or the industry vertical that your MLM operates in.
If you are in a health and wellness type MLM and you want to blog about smoothies or heathy recipes etc. then I highly recommend you do that on a separate bog. Otherwise you will risk alienating both of your audiences.

You’ll be considered a *Jack of all trades* but a master of none! Some people consider as one, too. LOL

*Keyword Based Content*
I would recommend choosing a fair proportion of your articles based on keywords that people are searching for in Google.

I use a paid tool called *Long Tail Pro* for my keyword research ​but if you're on a budget then you can get similar results with the *Google Keyword Planner.*

If you choose your keywords wisely, you can often get ranked on Google with solely on-page SEO.
You can also do posts that are not particularly keyword friendly e.g. *Top 5 Network Marketing Mistakes* but that will attract traffic and links because they are of interest to your audience.

Ask your audience what they want you to write about! You can have an email in your email marketing sequence that asks them what their biggest challenge is right now in their business and you can answer these questions in blog posts.

As your blog works its magic and you become established as an authority in your niche, your audience will begin emailing and messaging you for advice.

Then you simply base your content around these questions and your blog starts fuelling itself!
*Isn't this interesting, Sweetheart?*

*6. How Should You Write?*
Writing for the web is rather different than other types of media or how you may have been taught at school.

People have terribly short attention spans on the web. So you need to match your style to this.
Write in short sentences. Like this one. And short paragraphs.

Like this one

Write in a conversational style. And ask your audience questions. Are you getting this?

*Also, I recommend frequent subheadings that captivate your audience and pull them down the page.*

*Who Are You Writing For?*
I recommend taking a moment to imagine who your perfect prospect (or customer) is. Write it down. How old are they? What gender? Are they overweight? What are they like?

Give them a name. Imagine what they look like. Then imagine you’re chilling at a spot chatting with them. That’s how you write.

*If you need a bit of help with this then I suggest you attend my next professional bloggers' training*

7. I’ve Set Up My Blog, What Next?
Next, you need to drive traffic to your blog, build a list and build a relationship with that list.
You should also have a way of earning from the people who say no to your opportunity. You’ll discover how to do all of these when you attend my Professional Bloggers' Training

*Over to You*
Strangely, having resisted blogging initially, I am now absolutely obsessed with blogging. It's a lot of fun and that probably suggest why I am always wiling to train and coach people - even free. In fact I am guessing you're probably thinking you should get your own blog as you read this - right away!

Remember that having a mobile app for your blog is also a must, if you must keep readers who'll travel with your blog (via the app) anywhere they go, without forgeting to visit your blog regularly. This is because, there are millions of other things and blogs that take their attention, bit with your mobile app blog icon in their phone, whenever they flip through apps on their phone, they see your blog...

If you are already a blogger have some basic understanding, you might want to plan attending my *ADVANCED TRAINING* on website design and development where I would personally teach you how to develop responsive websites using bootstrap, in minutes, Yes you heard me right, in minutes! and both done in less than 3hrs and made me hundreds of thousands of naira + more referrals, too

Do you have a website or blog? Is it network marketing blogging or general blogging working for you? What successes have you had? Got questions for me?

Let's have your ,comments and questions here, so we can deal with them together, that others may also learn.

I want to say BIG thank you for taking your time follow this lesson.
Remember I will be giving out N50,000 to first user to reach 700 friends on or before 30th november at so you might want to try your luck, as the offer is 100% real
GoodPM and enjoy the rest of your night!

Philip Obin
20 Adeniran Ogunsanya, Surulere Lagos*

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