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7 Powerful Secrets to Becoming Indestructible in Business


Many business professionals and employers alike are coming to a conclusion. When asked “what skill do you have to have to be indestructible in business?”, a harrowingly large majority of them have a single, unanimous answer to this: communication skills. Rarely, if ever, this skill is seen as a hindrance. In almost every possible venue of business, it is seen as an asset– an incredibly valuable one at that. There are many secrets to becoming a good communicator but it does not happen overnight. However, with how valuable this commodity is, it is critically important to take action and learn how to utilize it. Today, we will look at the seven secrets of great communicators.


Taking the initiative is one of the most surefire signs of a confident communicator. What this means is that you should not be the one to be approached but, instead, should be the one who approaches. If everyone must initiate a conversation with you in order to get you to communicate, then you will give off the impression that you lacky confidence and energy. You must take action.


What does this mean? Well, it’s somewhat obvious: always be truthful. People can usually tell when you are full of it and those innate signals can have a deleterious effect on your persona as a whole and thereby your perception as a communicator.


People communicate with their body much more than we expect. As humans, we innately understand most of the bodily signals which are sent to us from another person. However, if we tune in and watch body language intentionally, we can gain critical insight that can help us mold our communicative abilities, putting people at ease.


Being open-minded is crucial to being a good communicator. The more you understand another person’s viewpoint, the more you can communicate to that person’s concerns. 


Psychologists have found that if you know what you’re talking about you communicate much more effectively. I know, it seems obvious, but so many of us neglect this fact. In business, this means understanding your surroundings so that you can be comfortable when communicating with others about them.


Specificity is critically important for any communicator because it shows that you have a good understanding of your surroundings. The more specific you are, the more confident you sound.


It may seem odd, but the biggest secret to being a good communicator is exactly the opposite of speaking. But it’s true. Listening to others not only helps build your own communication skills, but it also shows that you understand and are capable of having a meaningful discussion with others.  

At the end of the day, strengthening your communication skills will ensure you can be indestructible in your business.
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