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Showing posts from April, 2014

Video: ‘I prophesied Abuja Bomb Blast’ – T.B Joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua has released a video saying he had warned Nigerians about the explosion in Abuja that killed 71 people, injured 124 yesterday before it happened during his live service at The SCOAN on November 10, 2013. During the service, T.B. Joshua said: “Listen to me, my people in Nigeria. Once again, take note of this: Our security should be vigilant. I am seeing a very big strike — explosion. They should take care of Abuja — capital. When I talk, you see me in a bad light.  But I will keep talking. I don’t need to say the state but I am saying it. This is what I am seeing happen in Abuja. They should pray. What can they do to capture this?”

Nollywood In Touble As FG bans Boko Haram movies

The Federal Government has banned movies showcasing Boko Haram insurgency in the Northern Nigeria.

12 Shocking Facts About Nigeria

Here are some facts from our common heritage that should make you proud to be called a Nigerian: 1. Nigeria is home to seven percent (7%) of the total languages spoken on earth. Taraba state alone has more languages than 30 African countries. The importance of this fact is appreciated when one understands that language is the “soul of culture” (as Ngugi wa Thiongo famously said). It is language that births the proverbs, riddles, stories and other aspects of culture that give us identity. UNESCO puts forward that the world’s languages represents an extraordinary wealth of creativity. Linguistic diversity correlates with cultural diversity. This means Nigeria can look inwards and drive itself to become the greatest hub for cultural tourism on earth, and consequently empower its citizens tremendously in the process. 2. The Walls of Benin (800-1400AD), in present day Edo State, are the longest ancient earthworks in the world, and probably the largest man-made structure on ear

PICTURED: 7 Dead Babies Found In A Woman’s Home

Get ready to read the shocking story to end all shocking stories this morning. A woman in Utah was arrested after police found the  remains of seven infants  that were gruesomely  stored in different cardboard boxes  in a garage. I’m going to guess you read that sentence over a few times to make sure you had actually read that correctly. Sadly, you did — it’s that horrific.  Megan Huntsman , who is 39, is believed to have given birth to all of the babies between 1996 and 2006 before killing each and placing their bodies in separate boxes. Hunstman’s ex-husband was cleaning out the garage when he found a box that looked suspicious. After taking a glance at what was inside, he discovered a “full-term” baby. Absolutely bananas. He contacted police, and that one phone call opened a whole crazy can of worms when investigators discovered the  bodies of six additional infants . All of the babies were found in the garage. Reportedly, the ranch-style home was split up into two apartments

Revealed: Everything Jesus Christ Said About Homosexuality

What Jesus says about homosexuality is… … he doesn't mention it.

Court Orders INEC To Conduct Fresh Election

Yesterday the High Court of Cross River State of Nigeria, Calabar division presided over by Honourable Justice Bassey Ebuta ordered a writ of Mandamus against the Cross River State Independent Electoral Commission (CROSIEC) to compel it to conduct fresh chairmanship elections in three local government area councils in the State. The three local government area councils are Obanliku, Obudu and Yakurr. The Court acceded to the application for judicial review filed by the National Conscience Party (NCP) and the Peoples Progressive Alliance (PPA) for an order to compel CROSIEC to conduct fresh polls in Obanliku, Obudu and Yakurr Local Government Areas following a judgment of the High Court delivered on the 27th July 2013 by Honourable Justice Micheal Edem declaring that candidates filled by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the local government elections in Obanliku, Obudu and Yakurr Area Councils were not qualified to contest because their nomination papers were filled outside the

REVEALED: How To Become An Overnight Billionaire In Nigeria

WITH only some 50 years of independent national existence, Nigeria is a country reeking with “new money.” The overwhelming proportion of the millionaires and billionaires in the country are “nouveau-riche;” they became rich literally “overnight.” We are talking of people whose wealth does not go beyond a generation. Indeed, the fantastic wealth o f Nigerian billionaires like Femi Otedola scarcely goes beyond ten/fifteen years. Not only does Nigeria’s wealthy few have a short history, they often have a short future as well. The money comes “miraculously” and goes just as “miraculously.” In my youth, S.B. Bakare was the celebrated Nigerian tycoon. Highlife stars and juju musicians eulogised him in their records. But ask a young Nigerian today who S.B. Bakare is, and I can bet my bottom dollar he has never heard of him. S.B. has fallen off the radar and so has his wealth. It is not identifiable by any major industry or enterprise. His descendants may still be in litigation over the dr